Saturday, March 9, 2013

POST#5: Urban Legends: Mythical Creatures

Recently, there are numerous sightings of unusual creatures around the world; unknown flying objects and animals with strange, bizarre and explainable features. Rumors began to spread about those weird creatures as they rendered that they were monsters, and as the time goes by, people called them Mythical Creatures.

While I was searching for an article on the internet, I happened to found Patch32’s article about Mythical Creatures. As he explained that Mythical Creatures are literary creatures that generated popularity out of the literary circulation and story-telling. They are legendary creatures that are believed to be real but sometimes, they are believed as myths.

Loch Ness, the sea monster.
It can be divided into two groups; the first group is a group that consists creatures that most of the people agree that they exist and the second group is composed with creatures that most people doesn't agree that they have existed. In addition, the first group consist convincing pictures, articles, and journals that make people think they are real.

He also stated that Mythical Creatures that came out from books and became popular are called Ancient Greece Mythical Creatures such as Centaurs, Minotaur, Nymphs, and Pegasus. As he said that these kinds of literary stories that contains power and magic creates an impression that makes people have their interest in it and those legendary creatures will live on for centuries to come and more.

An edited photo of "Ningen"
Regardless of ancient myths, there are still many myths that have been carried into our modern era, myths such as UFOs, Big Foot, El Chupacabra, The Loch Ness Monster and more.

Every country has their own folklore that contain mythical and magical creatures, monsters, and legendary heroes and will always be present throughout the years.

There are people who don’t believe on such creatures because of lack of evidence, still, there are also several people who have actually encountered such creatures that made them have their hope that they exist and some has their proof such as pictures and videos, that makes the audience wonder, and in the meantime, will accept it and believe.

These are popular examples of Mythical/Legendary creatures from different countries that are somehow credible to be true:

These pictures were taken by Filiberto Caponi from Italy 
back in 1993 as he encountered a mysterious creature near his home 
and took photos of it.

Aliens and UFOs

UFO is technically an “Unidentified Flying Object.” These are objects that cannot be identified or explained by an individual. Recently there are several sightings of UFOs and Aliens around the world. Now, start wondering if they are real or not. As the matter of fact that the universe has no boundary and we know that humans are not the only beings who are living within this universe, we can assume that there are other beings that live whether outside or inside our planet which we call Aliens.

The Jersey Devil

There are several sightings of Jersey Devil and mostly of it were in the Pine Barrens in New Jersey.  The kangaroo-like creature has a head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It usually avoids human and often emit a “blood-curdling scream.”


A Ningen is a gigantic 20-30 meters humanoid form that is said to be seen around in Antarctic and it is seen having a legs, arms, and even five-fingered arms, sometimes; it has a large mermaid-tail instead of legs and the only features that can be seen are the eyes and its mouth.


A mermaid is a legendary creature that has an upper body of a human and a tail of a fish. In Greek mythology, mermaids were called Sirens where they have neither a lower part of a fish nor human legs. They lure men by their singing.


Finally, meet our own mythical creature. Aswangs are specially popular in the Western Visayan regions such as Capiz and Antique. It can transform into different creatures like pig, cat, dog, and bird. They usually suck fetuses on their mother’s wombs and sometimes, they would prefer children.

Even though some of us haven't seen any one of these creatures, they maybe real and we don't know that someday, we might encounter one of these with our own eyes.

1 comment:

  1. There's a wealth of literature out there which, hopefully, will be, you know, exploded in the future, and I personally find it very rewarding to be involved with classic storytelling, and sort of legendary legendary characters. See the link below for more info.

