Sunday, January 13, 2013

POST#1: Urban Legends?

Have you ever heard someone talking about weird stuff like when you chant and call “Bloody Mary” 13 times on exact midnight, in front of a mirror in a darkened room, only having a light coming from a single candle and then a woman will be summoned and will appear inside the mirror that will either kill you or will curse you to –death? It is one of the Urban Legends called Bloody Mary ; in fact, there are lots of different kind of stories like these circling through-out the net and everywhere. So what is this “Urban Legend”?

While I was searching about Urban Legends, I happened to find this particular article on the net entitled  “What Exactly ARE Urban Legends?” by David Emery. David stated that Urban Legends actually are popular stories that are told by someone you don’t even know whom that story came from or it is usually passed from a person to another person. They are a type of folklore –beliefs and traditions of people, and it is really hard to find where the story came from because it is passed through Interpersonal Communication. He also answered some questions to make everything clear and to make people understand what really Urban Legend is and he did a great job on answering and explaining them at the same time. 

I also have learned that not ALL of the Urban Legends are scary, because there are different kinds of it, there are humiliating, humorous, supernatural events and I could say the most popular is the horror and the terrifying one that you can hear anywhere.

Some of them seems like they’re not real, but who knows? Especially the terrifying events that is neither possible nor impossible to be encountered. What if there will be a chance that you’ll run over a beautiful-trench-coated woman and will randomly ask you if she’s beautiful or not, and will kill you because of telling her the truth that she’s beautiful afterwards; or if you eventually found out that there’s a corpse under your bed in a hotel room you have checked in, isn't that a reason to be aware?

“Yes, every now and then, they do. See “The Body in the Bed” for one example. Often, legends that are demonstrably false in their particulars turn out to be based on a kernel of fact, however slight.” David answered when someone asked him if Urban Legends ever turned out to be true. I agree about what he have said, that’s why, though we’re not that sure about the most of the story we could hear, we still have to be aware, because there’s a lot of mystery on the earth that no one can explain. You don’t know, you missed a chain message that is actually authentic without you having any idea that it is really true and you got it deleted.

There is nothing wrong on being aware, isn't it? And we must not take risks. Though there are people who try to prove if these legends are real, what if they’re really real? First, we have to make serious research before doing this. 

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