Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Chapter 1

The Urban Legends and the Society

A Research Paper Presented to
Mr. Dustin Celestino of The English Resource Center
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
RESWRITE-Research Writing

Pamela V. Palada
February 2013

A. Background of the Study 

From the word Urban that means “city” and Legend that means “story from the past,” Urban Legend is an apocryphal, fictional story that is asserted whether it is real or not, although there are stories that are convincing enough to be considered as real. It can be also defined as a modern myth, a common folklore, which is the teller insists that it is true despite that the teller does not have an evidence to prove it. (

It is usually passed down through generations, person-to-person, and with the help of technology and media, however; as people recite the said legend to other, the story changes person-to-person. The teller usually claims that the story happened to a friend or a friend of their friend that sometimes leads to “FOAFlore,” and FOAFtale.” That is why it is hard to know where did the legend came from and its origin, and whether the legend is a hoax or not.

Despite on its name, an urban legend, sometimes, it does not necessarily come from an urban area. Rather, it is used to differentiate modern legend from the traditional folklore, and for this reason, sociologists and folklorists prefer the name “contemporary legend.”

The term Urban Legend has appeared in a print since at least 1968 by an American folklorist, Jan Harold Brunvand, and also a professor in English at the University of Utah as he introduced the term to the public by publishing a series of a book in the beginning of 1981. One of his books, The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends & Their Meanings (1981) shows that legend and folklore does not partially occur traditionally –but can also happen in our modern times. (

Urban Legends, has different kinds of category: Horror, humorous, there are some about health, embarrassing and sometimes, ironic.

Nowadays, people still tend to spread Urban Legends, but some of it became ghost stories. One example of it is the popular “Bloody Mary,” wherein almost of the people knows it, it was a popular legend among teenagers and students since students usually dare each other to do the certain ritual to summon Bloody Mary. Up until now, you can still hear a number of people talking about Bloody Mary even though the legend about her was started many years ago in England. This indicates that, no matter generation we are, even in the future, Urban Legends will not disappear easily.

And because of its popularity, a horror movie was made about urban legends. In Urban Legend (1998), it was about a serial killer who uses the method that is based on Urban Legends to kill the victims. One example is when Brenda tried doing the “Kidney Heist” legend on Natalie. There were also two sequels of the movie which are Urban Legends: Final Cut and Urban Legend: Bloody Mary which is also related about serial killings, using the method of Urban Legends.

On the other hand, we also have our Urban Legends here in Philippines. They are quite abundant and most of our local urban legends are made to warn, and frequently used by the elders to scare their children and to teach them a lesson. One example that has become popular in the midst of 80’s was about The Robinson’s Half-Human and Half-Snake, living under the mall (or the basement) which some says that there was a hidden room. It is said that there are tons of camera hidden inside the mall and if the Snake has set an eye to a young woman, he will just push and switch a button that will enable the floors, or the walls to open and bring the girl to the snake for him to eat –or just have fun. At first, the rumors spread fast and it became a controversy that people became afraid to go shop in there, nevertheless, as the time went by, the rumor suddenly obscured like nothing has happened but the awareness of the people were still there, but today, even though many years have already passed, the urban legend is still circulating not only around the people, it is also circulated around the internet.

“Factual or not, when an urban legend is told, it’s meant to be believed. The teller is apt to rely on skillful storytelling and/or reference to putatively trustworthy sources – e.g., ‘it really happened to my hairdresser’s brother’s best friend’ – in lieu of actual proof or evidence” (

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

   People are interested in Urban Legends in fact that they know that some of the myths are not real. Why?

C. Significance of the Study

Enthusiasts: This research will be able to give more information about urban legends to the enthusiasts. It will also help them learn on what they are actually believe and give their interest to.

Future Researchers: This will help the future researchers if they ever found this topic interesting. This study might help them to gain more idea and information about this certain topic especially when they are given the same task and format as we have.

Authors: This study might help them gain more knowledge if they are interested to write something about this particular topic.

Others: This study gives information and ideas about Urban Legends that they can use for their leisure and entertainment, as they can accumulate ideas that they can share with their friends.

D. Scope and Delimitation

The objective of the study is to know why people still have their interest on reading and researching about Urban Legends, despite that they know some of the urban legends were just hoaxes. The study will discuss minor information about Urban Legends and will only limit few examples; however, the main focus of the study is about the way how Urban Legends gives interest and can make other people believe a certain legend aside from it being a hoax and can be possible that it is related to a human’s psychological manner –or if it is because on one’s way on how to proclaim a certain legend that to make it look credible.

E. Materials and Methods

This research will give informative and descriptive information about Urban Legends, for the readers to have more idea about what they are reading. It will also help them have an additional concepts and perceptions for them to have their point of view on the topic.

The information may be based on the surveys of the enthusiasts and non-believers as they recite their opinions about on Urban Legends and how and why are they interested on those myths although they know that some of them were not real. In addition, I can get further information with the help of medium (any kinds of media) and other online resources.

F. Definition of Terms

Apocryphal – An adjective word that means questionable authenticity or fake.

Myth – A traditional, sacred story, typically revolving around the activities of gods and heroes, which purport to explain natural phenomenon or cultural practice.

Folklore – The traditional beliefs, practices, of a person that is transmitted orally.

Hoax – A humorous or malicious deception. It can be also a false, a fake imitation and not real statement or others.

Heist – Is an action of robbing or stealing.

Legend – A non-historical or incredible story, handed down by a tradition to the present generation.

Humorous – An act of being funny, or a one, being laughable.

Ironic – Using words to tell a meaning that is the opposite of the real and literal meaning.

Rumor - A story or a statement that has circulated around in a certain place without a proof or a confirmation.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

POST#4: Urban Legends: Bloody Mary

Have you ever heard about Bloody Mary? Also known as “Mary Worth,” “Mary Jane,” “Hell Mary”?  Yes, practically, most of us know her, way back before; Bloody Mary became popular around students. They even dare each other to do her certain ritual and summon her, which is according to the legend; you have to stand in front of a mirror inside a bathroom, light a candle, and say “Bloody Mary” 13 thirteen times. Some says that summoning her will be more effective if you summon her when it is a full moon, in front of a mirror inside a bathroom, with lit candle, and spin three times while slowly chanting her name “Bloody Mary”. The participant must believe on Bloody Mary upon summoning her or it will fail because people who don’t truly believe will often see nothing. It is said that you will catch a glimpse of a woman, covered in blood behind you for a second, or she will come out behind you neither killing you nor drag you to hell with her.

Based on the article I have found while researching about Bloody Mary, crazyhorsesghost stated about one of the legend where Bloody Mary came from. He said that the legend of her can be traced back to the 13th century Europe specifically in the northern area. It is said that, young girls were mysteriously vanishing and they suspected the old woman who lives near by the forest area. The villagers went to her house one night and dragged the old woman outside, accusing her for being a witch and tortured her as she was asked what has happened to the young girls. As she failed on answering the villager’s question, the crowd raged and they tied her to a nearby tree and began to pile wood and dried brush around her. As the villagers started to set the fire, she began to curse the villagers and said that if anyone was foolish enough to say her name, “Bloody Mary,” three times at night, in front of a mirror with a lit candle, she will come out of the mirror and take her revenge. Today, there are certain people who have given it a try, especially teenagers. Many claims that they have seen Bloody Mary in the mirror behind them, some says that they have seen an ugly woman glaring at them.

Another story of Bloody Mary was about Mary Holescloth in North Carolina, a woman that was hung and buried in the 1780’s as she was accused to be a witch. It is said that Mary was hung for making her neighbor’s cows go dry and for running a 20 year old woman crazy and causing her to throw herself into the near river and drown. She was hung on Christmas Day, 1781, near the Tri Community School by a rope around her neck until she was dead. She went on a trial for three days and eleven of her neighbors testified against her, telling that she is having a relationship with the devil himself, and she is said to have a large place on her right hip that looked like a large mouth of jagged teeth that had bitten her.

Defending Mary, some of the people said that it was only a birthmark however, most of the people inside the trial believe on witchcrafts and they also believed that the devil was a very real being. At the time she was being buried, they wrapped Mary with chains and buried facing down because of their belief that if you buried a witch covered with chains, the witch’s ghost will never come back and bother anyone.

That’s why, at the old, closed down Tri Community Elementary School in North Carolina, people claimed that Bloody Mary can be seen on the mirror in bathrooms, she was always described standing, looking out of the mirror, with a bloody dress and several rusty chains draped around her neck and shoulders.

The best times to see Bloody Mary is on Fridays, Friday the 13th, and on Halloween, as he stated. It would be better if you do the ritual when it is already dark outside, and you will have a better chance of succeeding when there is a thunderstorm or at 3:00 AM. He also suggested that if a participant tries on summoning her, they can use a black candle that must be held on the left hand. In addition, he suggested that it is best to stand inside the circle of sea salt to protect you on bad spirits, because in myths, it is said that salt prevents evil spirits to attack a certain person.

Mary Tudor when she was young
The legend does not end here. According on Anita Wirawan’s article about Bloody Mary, entitled Faces in the Mirror: The True Story Behind Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary was a daughter of a notorious King Henry the VIII who is famous for putting his wives to death whenever he grew tired of them. Mary Tudor was the daughter of his first wife and so ended up seeing an awful lot of carnage over years as King Henry VIII put to death not only his wives but a great many of the people around him.

For years, she was disowned by her father and forced her to serve in the household of her younger step-sister as a reminder of her status as the legitimate child. She grew up enduring it since her father was the most powerful and can put her life to danger whenever he wants to.

At last, when Mary Tudor became the Queen of England at the age of 37, she is now able to do her things on her way, unfortunately, it turned out to things like burning people at the stake because they refused to believe the same religion as hers as a Catholic. Soon, large portion of people detested her and eventually called her “Bloody Mary”

Mary Tudor when she was old.
On some rituals, it is sometimes suggested to say “I have your baby Bloody Mary” to provoke her to come out. Why? Because, as stated, back then, having a child was really important for Mary Tudor for the heir to the throne and there were a lot of pressure for her to become pregnant. Mary was overjoyed when she suddenly had pregnancy symptoms, such as her period stopped and she had morning sickness. As the time went by, her belly grew and after nine months, as the entire country prepared their selves for the new heir to the throne, nothing happened.

Days have passed, she failed to have a baby however; she still has the signs of being pregnant. Eventually, Mary’s stomach suddenly shrank and her symptoms disappeared, and turned out that her baby was just a ghost. She was humiliated. She also had another false pregnancy and died afterwards.

After her death, people started to make rumors about her, such scary things like how she bathed in the blood of young girls to keep herself being young and some stories that portrayed her to be a vain woman who was obsessed with her reflection in the mirror and her soul got trapped, and the reason why she is always looking for a way to get out
"Bloody Mary, I have your baby!"
Anita stated “I do feel bad for Bloody Mary too, that must have been a crazy and horrible environment to grow up in and then try to survive in as an adult. Sad that she chose to be cruel queen instead of a nice one though, or maybe her childhood just drove her insane and she could not help it.”

I highly agree about what she said. There are people who became cruel and crazy and sometimes, they became insane because of their past experiences. If she was taken care of his father properly, neither if her father was not that psycho –since he is really powerful and he can do things he wanted to his anytime –even on her daughter, she could have become a good and kind queen. However, her trait could possibly run in their genes.

Moving on, I suggest that we must not take risks on doing things such kinds of summoning and rituals. They are spirits and we must not taunt them just for our entertainment and curiosity because it might put our lives into danger. In fact, they are not supposed to harm us, but we are the one who provokes them and it could be one of the reasons why they could not rest in peace.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

OUTLINE: Urban Legends


Narrowing a topic:

• Urban Legends
• Different kinds and stories about Urban Legends
• Comparing and applying Urban Legends on our society

I. Definition of Urban Legend

     a) What is Urban Legend?

II. Different stories and myths about Urban Legends

     1) Foreign
     2) Local

III. Different kinds of Urban Legends

      a) Humorous
      b) Horror
      c) Health-related stories
      d) Others

IV. Urban Legends and Movies

V. Explain how Urban Legends and our society /reality vary.